Do You Have Hearing Loss

Ever thought asked yourself, do you have hearing loss? Hearing loss can sometimes be overlooked when daily activities seem to go along without a hitch. When it effects our relationships with our loved ones or careers it makes you wonder if I am suffering from a degree of hearing loss. Truth is, most people don’t realize they experience some level of hearing loss.

What are the signs and symptoms of hearing loss?

You may have a hearing loss if you check any of these:

  • People say you are shouting when you talk to them.
  • You need the TV or radio turned up louder than other people.
  • You often ask people to repeat themselves because you can’t hear or understand them, especially in groups or when there is background noise.
  • You can hear better out of one ear than the other.
  • You have to strain to hear.
  • You can’t hear a dripping faucet or a high-pitched note of a violin,
  • You think people ‘mumble’ when they speak.
If you have any of these signs and symptoms, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Melissa Webb Duthu, the Audiologist at NOLA Hearing. Dr Duthu can conduct a comprehensive hearing evaluation which translates to being tested for hearing loss. It is imperative to have your hearing tested as soon as you notice any loss. This will not only keep you aware of the amount of loss you have and what to pay attention to in the future regarding your loss, but also prevent you from losing any more of your hearing.

What are the different types of hearing loss?​

Only a relatively small portion of adult hearing problems, such as ear infection and middle ear diseases, are medically or surgically treatable. If the condition cannot be treated medically or surgically, hearing aids may be beneficial.

a hearing loss that usually develops due to damage to the small sensory cells in the inner ear, called hair cells. This damage can occur as a result of disease, illness, age, injury from exposure to noise or certain medicines, or as the result of a genetic disorder.

A hearing loss that occurs when sound waves cannot transmit through the outer or middle ear or both. This can, for example, be caused by earwax, fluid in the middle ear space, or a punctured eardrum. Medical or surgical treatment can often restore hearing in people with a conductive hearing loss.

A combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.